Restricted Items to be Shipped
The following items are not acceptable for carriage to any destinations if the shipment contains:
- Firearms
- Bullion and Work of Arts
- Jewelry, Precious Metals, Precious Stones, Ivory, Antiques
- Bank Bill, Notes, Currency, Cashier’s Checks, Money Orders, Traveler’s Checks
- Postage Stamps
- Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Plants, Animals
- Human remains, fetal remains, human body parts, human embryos, or components thereof
- Marijuana (medical or otherwise)
- Shark fins
- Vape Products, Hemp-based products (including cannabidiol [CBD])
- Negotiable Instruments in bearer-form
- Lewd, obscene, or pornographic materials
- Industrial Carbons and Diamonds
- Aerosols, Nail Polish, Perfumes containing alcohol
- Air Bags
- Lithium Batteries of any form or capacity
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Ammunition
- Cigarettes
- Dry Ice
- Explosives and Gasoline
- Poisons
- Material classified as hazardous material, dangerous goods, prohibited or restricted articles by IATA (International Air Transport Association), ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), any applicable government department or other relevant organization
- Any other item which SHIPINDUS cannot carry safely or legally, or its packing is defective or inadequate
- All other Shipment Prohibited by Law
Please ensure your shipment does not contain any of the above items to avoid delays, fines, or legal action.